The History of Sacred Stone
The Barony of the Sacred Stone originally comprised the Western half of North Carolina but is now known as the land from the Foothills and Northern mountains of North Carolina to the Great Pee Dee River. It has wonderful baronies on all four sides with the Barony of Black Diamond to the north in Virginia, the Barony of Windmaster’s Hill to the east in North Carolina, the Barony of Nottinghill Coill to the south in South Carolina, and the Barony of Hawkwood to the west in North Carolina. We are blessed to share dynamic and mutually supportive relationships with all of them.
Three SCA branches of the Barony of Windmaster’s Hill; the Canton of the Guardians of the Sacred Stone (founded 1/77), the Canton of Hindscroft (founded 5/78) and the Canton of Hawkwood (founded 2/79) joined together in 1980 to form the Shire of Emanon which was elevated to Baronial status in September of 1982. Thus, was the Barony of the Sacred Stone born!
Since that time, Sacred Stone has had many branches within its borders. Two attempts at college branches at Western Carolina University; Raven’s Keep and Hyrn Keep (3/91-10/94) have come and gone as well as two college branches at Davidson College; Annwyn (9/82-5/83) and Caer Daibhidh (5/84-4/96). We released land for the formation of an original shire in our northwest territories and, in 1990, the Canton of Hindscroft left Sacred Stone to become a shire.
The Canton the Guardians of the Sacred Stone (Charlotte, NC) and the Canton of Hawkwood (Asheville, NC) remained the oldest branches of the Barony. It was in January 1989, that Sacred Stone formed the first Protectorate of the Society and added the Shire of Drachentor (Danville, VA) to its family. While unable to become an official Canton of Sacred Stone, they are very much a part of the Barony ceremonially.
In 1991, the Kingdom of Atlantia raised the Canton of Baelfire Dunn (Alexander, Burke, Caldwell, Catawba and Iredell Counties) from its incipient status. The Canton of Aire Faucon (Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln and Rutherford Counties) was elevated to full status at Sacred Stone’s annual Runestone Collegium in February 1997! And in November of 2000, the Guardians changed their branch name to the Canton of Charlesbury Crossing.
Sacred Stone’s expansion continued with the Canton of Crois Brigte which was granted full branch status in Their Majesties’ Court at the Fall of 2001’s Labyrinth event. It marked the return of some of the former Hindscroft lands to the Barony, specifically Winston-Salem, NC, and all Forsyth County. Another incipient branch was formed in Salisbury, NC (Rowan County) — that of Salesberie Glen.
With great rejoicing, the Canton of Hawkwood was elevated to Baronial status by the Kingdom of Atlantia in June of 2004. Later that year at Sacred Stone’s Baronial Birthday in September, the Canton of Salesberie Glen was elevated to full status as well. Also in 2004, the Shire of Hindscroft rejoined the Barony of the Sacred Stone as a canton. In July of 2009, the Canton of Hindscroft officially changed their branch name to the Canton of Middlegate (Davidson, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham and Stokes Counties).
History written by Master Bran Trefonnen
– 2004 addendum written by Lord Cyriac Grymsdale
– 2009 updates written by Baroness Maeve Griffinsward
– 2011 updates and compliance submitted by Lady Annora Hall
Other Nearby Groups
If your location is not listed below, additional local groups can be found within the Kingdom of Atlantia’s website.
Shire of Cathanar
Carteret and Craven Counties
Barony of Hawkwood
Buncombe, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Jackson, Macon, Madison, Mcdowell, Mitchell, Polk, Rutherford, Swain, Transylvania and Yancey Counties
Barony of Raven’s Cove
Onslow County
Shire of Seareach
Brunswick, Columbus, Duplin, New Hanover, Kure Beach, Onslow, Pender and Sampson Counties
Barony of Windmasters Hill
Almance, Caswell, Chatham, Cumberland, Durham, Franklin, Granville, Halifax, Harnett, Hoke, Johnston, Lee, Moore, Nash, Orange, Person, Robeson, Rockingham, Sampson, Scotland, Vance, Wake, Warren, Wayne and Wilson Counties
Barony of Nottinghill Coill (South Carolina)
Abbeville, Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Calhoun, Chester, Clarendon, Colleton, Edgefield, Greenwood, Hampton, Jasper, Lancaster, McCormick, Newberry, Orangeburg, Saldua and York Counties
Barony of Hidden Mountain (South Carolina)
Beaufort, Colleton, Georgetown, Jasper, Orangeburg and Williamsburg Counties
Cantons of Sacred Stone
Aire Faucon
Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln and Rutherford Counties
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Charlesbury Crossing
Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Stanly and Union Counties
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Crois Brigte
Forsyth, Surry, Wilkes, and Yadkin County
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Davidson, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham and Stokes Counties
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Salesberie Glen
Rowan County
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