New to the SCA?
Whether you are new to the SCA or just new to our area, welcome to Sacred Stone! We encourage anyone who is interested in medieval history to see what the SCA has to offer.
What is the SCA?
The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) is an organization dedicated to recreating pre-17th century culture and history. We do not specifically focus on one particular country, place, or time, instead members select their own time period and geographic region to focus on recreating.
How to Get Involved?
Getting involved in the SCA and the Barony is super easy! Activities happen all the time – weeknights and weekends. The first step is to find your local group.
Check out the short history of the Barony and the local groups, called Cantons, on our groups page:
You can also contact our Baronial Chatelaine for help. Chatelains are our new people representatives and serve as our point of contact. They are here to help you get answers to your questions. (
Once you have identified your closest group, take a look at their calendar. Most groups have regular weekly or monthly meetings, art nights, and fighter practices. These are open and relaxed times to meet folks and get a basic idea of the group. Normal clothes are worn at these activities, so there is no worry about what to wear. You do not need to reserve a place or buy a ticket, but sometimes it helps to email the chatelain and tell them you are coming. That way, if for some reason the time or date changes, they can keep you up to date on it.
On most weekends, the SCA has events. These are more formal than the local meetings but are still open to the public. The calendar will have a list of these events and flyers. Please read the flyer to see if you will need to make a reservation and to see what type of event it is. The type of event tells you what items you will want to bring with you. See our “Preparing for an Event” handout under Newcomer Resources for more suggestions. If you need something to wear, it is suggested that you contact the person running the event (autocrat) before the event. That allows them time to make sure that items will be available for you. If you are not sure who the autocrat is, speak to your local chatelain and they will help you.
Once you are at an event, go meet people – introduce yourself, ask questions, take a newcomer class, volunteer to help – these actions will help you meet people and learn more about what is happening around you. Do not feel pressure if you do not have everything you want at the very beginning. Take time to see what is offered around you and to find what interests you. Don’t try to be perfect from day one. Allow yourself time to experience the SCA and find a level of participation that makes you comfortable.
For more information, please check out our other newcomer resources and please take a look at the Kingdom of Atlantia Newcomers Page and the SCA Newcomers Portal. Ask us if you need any help! Welcome home!