General Policy for The Barony of The Sacred Stone
1. The Barony
1.1 For the purposes of these policies, the Barony of the Sacred Stone shall be defined by, but is not limited to, all those geographical regions specified by Corpora and Atlantian Law.
2. The Policies
2.1 The Barony of the Sacred Stone, as defined by Corpora, has written the following set of Baronial policies which were modified by the Populace during the 1st of June, 2019 Unevent and presented at the August 2019 meeting.
2.1.1. In all cases, these Baronial policies shall be consistent with Corpora and Atlantian Law. If such conditions should arise where there may be conflict, those documents shall always supersede these policies. This set of policies shall be amended from time to time to conform to both Corpora and Atlantian Law.
2.2. The Baronial policies can be amended or altered by the Barony of the Sacred Stone at any time, provided:
2.2.1. All proposed changes to the Baronial policies shall be published at least fourteen (14) days prior to the next Baronial Meeting at which the vote will occur.
2.2.2. Proposed changes will be voted upon at the Baronial Meeting and approved changes will be published before becoming effective.
3. Publication
3.1 For the purposes of these policies, publication will be defined as dissemination in the Baronial Newsletter or a Baronial Newsletter Addendum. The documents will be made publicly available via the Baronial Website and other methods as defined by the Kingdom Chronicler’s Office. Publication must be communicated by at least one official method.
4. The Baronial Coronet
4.1. The Baronial Coronet shall be defined as the individual(s) appointed by the Crown of Atlantia.
4.2. The Baronial Coronets' term shall be in compliance with Atlantian Law.
4.3. The appointment of a new Baronial Coronet shall be conducted in accordance with Atlantian Law.
5. Baronial Meeting
5.1. A Baronial meeting is any assemblage of the populace which is called by the Baronial Coronet in order to receive advice on the administration and governance of the Barony or for the populace to vote on such issues as are required by policies.
5.2. The meeting scheduling, agenda, and chairing of said meeting is the responsibility of the Baronial Seneschal.
5.3. The date, time, and place for the Baronial meeting shall be published at least fourteen (14) days prior to its commencement.
5.4. A tentative agenda should be published at least seven (7) days prior to the scheduled meeting.
5.5. Between scheduled Baronial meetings, meetings of the Emergency Financial Committee may act in the Barony's best interests. Such actions will be reported at the next regularly scheduled Baronial meeting. The Emergency Financial Committee is defined in the Baronial Financial Policy.
5.6. When a vote is required, members of the Barony are defined as paid SCA members who reside or participate within the geographical boundaries of the Barony. All votes conducted shall be simple majority.
6. Baronial Officers
6.1. Duties of the offices of the Barony of the Sacred Stone are specified in Corpora, Kingdom Law, Baronial Financial Policy, and this document. Baronial offices may consist of, but are not limited to:
- Seneschal (required by Corpora)
- Exchequer (required by Corpora)
- Herald (required by Corpora)
- Chronicler (required by Corpora)
- Additional Duties: The Baronial Chronicler or their designated proxy shall be responsible for taking Notes at Baronial meetings. Meeting Notes shall include at minimum the details of all official votes (motion, second, and vote tallies), event reports, and action items. Meeting notes should be published within seven days.
- Knight Marshal
- Minister of Arts and Sciences
- Minister of the Lists
- Chancellor of Youth
- Chatelain
- Webminister
- Additional Duties: Shall publish the Baronial Newsletter to the Baronial website no later than the 1st of each month and/or within five (5) days of receipt of the same from the Baronial Chronicler.
6.2. Each Baronial officer shall report on the state of their office at each Baronial meeting. Each Baronial officer is required to attend
at least one Baronial meeting per quarter. If an officer cannot attend at least one meeting per quarter, this requirement can be met by
providing a proxy and notifying the Baronial Seneschal and Coronet (via formal communication) at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to
the Baronial meeting.
6.2.1 Noncompliance with this policy for two consecutive quarters will result in a recommendation for removal being
forwarded to the appropriate Kingdom officer.
6.3. All papers (including official correspondence), access to electronic accounts, correspondence, and documents, and regalia belonging to any office are the property of that office and must be transferred in their entirety to any new Baronial officer within thirty (30) days of any change of office.
6.4. Appointment of Baronial officers.
6.4.1. The opening of a Baronial Office shall be made known by both publication and announcement at a scheduled Baronial meeting.
6.4.2. Interested candidates shall respond in writing to the corresponding Baronial officer, Baronial Seneschal, and Baronial Coronet.
6.4.3. Publication of opening must include a deadline for receipt of letters of intent which is at least fourteen (14) days from the date the opening is published and announced.
6.4.4. At the deadline, the list of candidates shall be published on the Baronial e-list and website, inviting written commentary from the populace to the Baronial Seneschal and the Baronial Coronet.
6.4.5. The Baronial Seneschal and the Baronial Coronet will review the commentary and together select the candidate and recommend such to the Kingdom officer for warranting.
6.4.6. At such time as the warranting Kingdom officer allows, the new Baronial officer shall be publicly announced via the newsletter and website.
6.4.7. Due to the length of the events, no officer changes shall be made during the duration of the Pennsic War or Gulf Wars
6.5. Baronial officers may select whatever deputies they require for the duration of their office.
6.5.1 The Barony must be notified of all such appointments within 14 days.
6.5.2 Deputies shall be warranted in accordance with the requirements of the Kingdom Officer.
6.6. Baronial Officer Term Limits shall be in accordance with Kingdom Law and Policy.
6.7. Any office not required to maintain Baronial status may go vacant.
7. Baronial Events and Activities
7.1. Any SCA, Inc. approved entity may sponsor Baronial events and activities in accordance with this section and Baronial Financial Policy.
7.2 Official Baronial Activities are defined as any activity sponsored by the Barony that is not published in the Kingdom Newsletter.
7.2.1 Official Baronial Activities must be approved by vote at a Baronial Meeting and approved by the Baronial Seneschal.
7.3. Official Baronial Events are events as defined by Kingdom Law and Corpora.
7.4 Unsponsored local activities relating to the SCA may not be published in any formal method of communication, announced at a meeting, or placed on the Baronial Calendar.
7.4.1 Unsponsored local activities cannot use Baronial funds, inventory, or regalia.
7.4.2 Unsponsored local activities may not use the terms “Barony of the Sacred Stone” or “Baronial” in the title of the activity or in any advertisement regarding the activity, including but not limited to, printed or electronic media.
7.4.3 Unsponsored local activities may not use Baronial Arms in any advertisement regarding the activity, including, but not limited to, printed or electronic media.
7.5 Autocrats of Baronial Events and Activities are acting as deputies of the Seneschal or any office responsible for the activity.
7.5.1 Event Autocrats shall fill out an Event Autocrat Deputy Form within thirty (30) days of approval of the event, making them deputies of the Seneschal’s office for the term of the event.
7.5.2 Activity Autocrats shall fill out an Activity Autocrat Deputy Form, making them deputies of the office most related to the activity, i.e., demos through the chatelaine’s office, fighter practice through the marshal’s office, etc.
7.5.3 These forms shall be signed by the officer supporting the event or activity, filed with the Baronial Seneschal, and submitted to the Exchequer (event) or appropriate officer (activity).
8. Waiving General Baronial Policy
8.1. Any part of this policy may be waived under special or extreme circumstances by unanimous approval of the Coronet, Baronial Seneschal, and a third Baronial officer chosen by agreement between the Baronial Coronet and Baronial Seneschal, with a full accounting to be given at the next regularly scheduled Baronial meeting.
8.2. Any part of this policy may be waived by approval by 2/3 of voting members present at a Baronial meeting