Sample Scroll Text Award of the Phoenix’s Pyrite

Sample Scroll Text
Award of the Phoenix’s Pyrite


To all and singular unto whom these presents shall come, Their Excellenc(y/ies) of the Barony of the Sacred Stone do proclaim as follows:

Deep in the earth, the mineral pyrite shines boldly as gold itself. Polished, it reflects as purely as any mirror. Struck by the steel blade, fire sparks forth like the Phoenix ignited to life.

So are those who continue above and beyond any duty, to serve the common good of Our Barony. Their reflections is the image of selfless service. However, unlike soft gold and fragile mirrors, those so dedicated spark flames only brighter when tested by the sharpest steel of both time and situation. It is this vital flow of priceless service beyond common reason that brings harmony and improves these Lands for Ourselves and the Crown for which We hold Them.

Know all, therefore, that We would recognize (recipient) with the Award of the Phoenix’s Pyrite in recognition of the constant, continued and long standing service contributed to Our Barony of the Sacred Stone.

Done by our hands this day at (event name) on the (date) day of (month), AS (L) (Being (2015) in the common era)

Scribal Backlog

Many recipients of awards in Sacred Stone have not been able to receive a wonderful piece of art of their own just yet. If you would be interested in contributing to the Baronial backlog, please click here.

Lady E’s Line Art

Baroness Eleanor (better known as Lady E) is a long time enabler of the scribal arts. She continues to graciously share her line art with us. To view some of her shared work, please click a link below.

Lord Geffrei’s Period Pigments

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